Physical Therapy Board of California

Provider Impairment/Chemical Dependency

Licensees are not immune from alcohol and/or drugs. If you observe your physical therapy care provider or your fellow coworkers (physical therapist or physical therapist assistant) under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, you are highly encouraged to report this to PTBC. If chemical dependency problems are left untreated, they may eventually jeopardize patient health and safety. It is important that you provide details such as:

  • The date you observed the behavior.
  • Names of witnesses.
  • Was a report filed with the facility?
  • Was an investigation conducted by the facility, and if so, by who?

PTBC is not seeking to take punitive action against the licensee, but rather to hopefully provide the licensee with a rehabilitation program to overcome their disease and/or addiction.

BPC Code section 2280 prohibits a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant from practicing medicine while under the influence of any narcotic drug or alcohol to such an extent as to impair their ability to conduct the practice of medicine safely to the public and their patients. Violation of this section constitutes unprofessional conduct and is a misdemeanor.

Other Related Statutes: